Archive for the ‘Business’ Category


Finally, its not the end of world. The much hyped – end of world – story has finally come to an end. This has been in news since years and after this is over, it has given reasons to many people to celebrate. There are many clubs, that organized themed parties on 20th night to celebrate the last day of the world. And on 22nd, many clubs are organizing themed parties to celebrate – the world is alive.
Such news have always been the target for business owners – whether its President Obama’s election victory, or end of world, such hyped news are always the target of business owners. And such events give them huge profits. I had a conversation with some of the club owners in Brussels, they claimed that the club was never crowded so much before as it was on 20th. After 1 a.m, they had to stop entry into the club because it was overcrowded – they feared if world doesn’t end, it might be end of their club :).
Its interesting to see people’s reaction to such news. As per BBC(, many people have taken several measures to avoid the end/embrace/welcome new world.
But the good news is, day is bright, Sun is shining, people are happy and enjoying just like a normal day. Hope if it was to be end of world, then may be the bad in all of us has died and ended, and we welcome a new world within ourselves and outside in a positive way.


Posted: September 23, 2010 in Business

Something feels appealing to you, if you are somehow associated with it. I have been recieving calls someday or other from sales people asking me to get credit cards. I used to turn them down(only after I got few cards:) ). From past few months, I have been quite active in marketing my dad’s business, so now when I recieve these ‘credit card’ calls, I talk with interest. Its a good experience listening to their changing behaviour on your changing replies. If you show them an iota of interest, they seem so interested. Well, I am not into telemarketing, so stop guessing. You can leave your replies/contact me if interested for an opportunity:). You might be thinking I am marketing my business. If a credit card seller markets his product in which you buy on credit and pay in future, then why not market a business idea whose time has come, which provides everyone an opportunity to have their own business, have their own time with loved ones, achieve their dream no matter however big it is, help others achieve their dreams, and most important it transforms you into a better human being. Would you be interested to explore a business idea whose time has come, the next trillion dollar industry.

“More powerful than the might of all the armies on Earth is an idea whose time has come.” –  Victor Hugo.